AIS Eiken Test Results
Improving students’ English proficiency is an important educational goal at AIS. To encourage all students to continually look to improve their English, AIS implements in-school standardized testing using Eiken tests.
Below are recent Eiken test results for the Orca and elementary school students. AIS uses these results as a reference for educational planning, and encourages current AIS families to also use them as a reference for their child’s personal learning at home. For any families considering joining AIS, please use these results as a reference of the expected entry level of English for each respective grade.
The school English education goal for non-native speaking students is to pass Eiken Level 2 by Grade 3 and Eiken Level Pre-1 by Grade 6. After graduating from AIS, if you want to keep up in English-only classes at a junior high school in Japan or abroad, Eiken Level Pre-1 is essential.
Results below are for testing in June 2023