AIS Christmas Concert 2017
Title: “A PENGUIN CHRISTMAS” ※Free viewing
Date/Time: Friday December 8, 2017 4:30pm doors open/5:00pm concert begins
Venue: Moriyama Bunka Theater
Aichi International School will be performing ‘A Penguin Christmas’ for this year’s annual Christmas concert. Penguins and a film crew at the North Pole? There must be some mistake. Here comes a parade of smiling penguins, as they wave their sunglasses at the busy Hollywood film crew. Do these pesky penguins really think they can replace the elves and reindeer at the North Pole on the busiest night of the year? Join the mayhem and merriment as a cast-load of arctic (and Antarctic) characters discover their special talents to make holiday happenings come true.
A scene from last year’s ‘A Moosical Christmas’